Charity Marketing

Charity Marketing Specialists

Affect Media provides world-class Charity Marketing and communications services.  We work with some of Australia’s largest charities to help them raise funds, boost public awareness and promote education campaigns.  Our team is known and trusted by several leading charity brands, and we are regularly invited to share our expertise at leadership conferences, lectures, and industry workshops.

We understand charities

As specialists in the field, we understand charity regulation, and how it affects your registration. We also understand your need to stand out in a competitive donor landscape.

And we understand people

We know how to connect with different audience groups and we know how to talk to them. Whether you want to communicate with the general public, members, supporters, donors, government, the media or a mix of all of these, we know how to reach each group appropriately.

Acquire new donors

Spread the word about your organisation and stay top of mind for donors.

Launch a Media Campaign

Launch a campaign, watch it grow and then track its success.

Raise Funds Online

Raise money online with a digital fundraising campaign. 

Create Education Materials

Create world-class education materials that change how people live, work and play.

Boost your Public Profile

Raise your public profile with media engagements, articles, and interviews.

Improve your Engagement

Improve engagement from your membership base with clearer, better targeted information.

Charity Marketing Campaigns that we work on:

Health Charities

  • Associations, foundations and support groups for people with particular illnesses or diseases
  • Hospitals, ambulance services, nursing services
  • Family planning and support services
  • Medical research bodies.

Social Welfare Charities

  • Relieving poverty, distress or disadvantage
  • Caring for, supporting and protecting children and young individuals
  • Caring for and supporting the aged
  • Caring for and supporting individuals with disabilities.

Education Charities

  • Kindergartens, preschools, non-government schools, colleges and universities,
  • Industry training organisations
  • Bodies for health  education
  • Historical education societies, research institutes, Scouts and Guides groups.

Human Rights Charities

  • Monitoring abuses of human rights
  • Seeking redress and relieving needs for victims of human rights abuse
  • Educating the public about human rights
  • Raising awareness of human rights issues.

Public Benevolent Institutions

  • Eligible hospitals and hospices
  • Eligible disability support services
  • eligible aged care services
  • Providers of low-cost rental or subsidised housing for people in need.

Natural Environment Charities

  • Conservation bodies and societies
  • Land care groups
  • Environmental education groups
  • Natural resource organisations
  • rescuing or caring for native animals, and preserving or rehabilitating habitats.

Health Promotion Charities

  • Eligible community health care providers
  • Eligible medical research organisations
  • Organisations that work to raise awareness of human diseases and their impacts.

Animal Protection Charities

  • Animal protection societies
  • Animal refuges and shelters
  • Organisations that protect endangered species
  • Animal hospitals
  • Scientific bodies studying animal behaviour

Charity Resources from the ACNC

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